PhD Job Day

About Yassine Messat

  • You are Doctor
  • Year 1first year
  • Master’s year 1first year
  • Current establishment (if doctoral student) University of Lille
  • Current institution Master (you are a master) University of Lille
  • establishment in which I obtained the doctorate Other
  • If other establishment, specify Montpellier
  • Doctoral school Other
  • If other doctoral school, specify CBS2
  • Laboratory LBN UR-UM104
  • Discipline Biology/health
  • Employed Oui, specify
  • Specify your job Assistant de recherche
  • Personal address 537 Rue du pré aux clercs
  • Code postal 34090
  • Ville Montpellier
  • Country France
  • Date of birth (format JJ/MM/AAAA) 27/06/1995
  • I understand and accept the privacy policy I understand and accept the privacy policy

About me

PhD in neuroscience with engineering background in biotechnology, i’m passionate about innovation in healthcare, novel therapies and problem solving. I’m experienced in project management, scientific writing & communication.
I’m looking to expand my interest in biotech industry and overcome new challenges.



  • 2022 - Present
    LBN UR-UM104, University of Montpellier, France

    Research assistant

    • Actively contributed to lab management & provided support to the laboratory director
    • Developed and implemented KPIs and targets
    • Established timelines and project plans
    • Fostered scientific collaborations
    • Supervised the work of technical assistants and master’s students
    • Supported cross-functional research projects of different stakeholders
    • Conducted training sessions for researchers and students
    • Worked on projects involving in vitro angiogenesis, Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy, AFM-cells characterization)

  • 2019 - 2023
    LBN UR-UM104, University of Montpellier, France

    PhD researcher in Stem cells & Neuroscience

    • Set up OrgaEar project in collaboration with SANOFI & SATT AxLR
    • Specialized in sensorineural hearing loss and the neurosensory system
    • Proficient in cell therapy strategies
    • Extensive experience in human cell lines culture (including iPSCs, hBMSCs, hDPSCs, hPDLSCs, HUVECs, MCF10, MCF7)
    • Mastering Organoids culture, ex-vivo explants culture & in vitro models
    • Proficient in lab methods (Histo/immunochemistry, Cryosection, FACS, qPCR,
    Confocal microscopy & fluorescence imaging)
    • Experienced with data analysis using (ImageJ, IMARIS, GraphPad, NovoExpress, Zen suite, R, Excel…)
    • Strong programming basics in (Python, R) with basic knowledge in (JAVA, C, Matlab)
    • Presented at several international meetings (ISSCR, ARO ..)
    • Authored scientific reports
    • Published scientific research in international journals
    • Organized the CBS2 days Congress & CBS2 orientation Forum


Medical & scientific writing
Scientific communication
In vitro model
Stem cells
Cell therapy
Data analysis
People & project management



Honors & awards


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