Of 27 January to 7 FEBRUARY 2025
The opportunity to meet new structures and learn about possible careers after a doctorate.
We invite you now to reserve your places for the meetings that interest you !
Monday 24 FEBRUARY 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
LILLIAD learning center innovation
Campus scientific city
Villeneuve d’Ascq
The PhD Job day is the job fair for PhD students and doctors. From 2022 it is also aimed at Master’s students who would like to engage in a thesis. It was launched in 2021 as part of the INTERREG Transuniv project. Its main objective is to prepare doctoral students for their career pursuit by informing them precisely about the possibilities offered after the thesis.. It is open to candidates from the Region, from France but also to cross-border workers and more broadly to international candidates.
The edition 2025 offers a face-to-face part with the aim of increasing interactions between candidates and recruiters.
In the program: individual CV help, Linkedin profile tips, conferences, round tables, job and thesis offers, meetings with companies and administrations,…
Do not hesitate to consult the different pages of the site and register now. Online appointments will begin on 27 January 2025.
You are a recruiter ? Professional interested in the Doctorate ? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
This job forum, PhD Job Day, is entirely free !
The University of Lille, through his Doctoral College, has made every effort to offer you a quality job forum mobilizing the necessary resources and stakeholders in the Hauts-de-France region (APEC, MEL, Hauts-de-France region,…).
The “PhD Job Day” is organized in collaboration with the GRAEL team and A2U.