Build your professional project, market reality and plan B
You will discuss the professional project (job/function title, and missions sought, targeted sectors of activity and companies…) and you will project yourself onto a project of the heart and a project of reason.
What do we call a project of the heart and a project of reason? ?
How to build and identify them ?
Apec (Executive Employment Association) is aimed at all private sector companies, to all executives (currently working or looking for work) as well as young higher education graduates.
Apec is a private and joint association governed by the Law of July 1 1901.
Learn more about APEC.
Speaker : David Duhem – APEC
Groupe : 100 people
Modality : Webinar via the Webex platform (a Webex connection link will be sent to you 48 hours before the start of the seminar).
To note : by registering for this workshop, some of your contact details (nom, first name, mail address, address, date of birth and telephone) will be transmitted to APEC unless you object by email to this transmission (email address contact@phdjobday.eu). These contact details will be used to create an account on www.apec.fr and to benefit from APEC services free of charge..