PhD Job Day



  • Founded Date 23 August 2002
  • Sectors Finance/Management
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 78
  • Type de structure Business
  • Groupe Eps
  • Site internet
  • Adresse de l'entreprise DEAF - 39 rue du Gouverneur Général Eboué
  • Code postal 92442
  • Ville Issy-les-Moulineaux
  • I understand and accept the privacy policy I understand and accept the privacy policy<

Company Description

Public financing consultancy firm created in 2002, Sogedev is one of the historic players in innovation financing (Research tax credit, Innovation Tax Credit, status of Young Innovative Company, Bpifrance aid ).

Every year we support more than 800 start-ups, Innovative SMEs and ETIs throughout France and abroad in financing their R activities&D or development projects through the implementation of public aid.

Since our creation, we have always put the well-being of our employees at the heart of our priorities. With teleworking and the possibility of working in our 5 offices in France, our employees evolve in a caring working environment, conducive to work/life balance.

Finally, we are part of a strong CSR policy centered on two themes: the defense of the natural environment & the ecological transition as well as equal opportunities in the labor market.

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