PhD Job Day

Inria, équipe MARACAS


  • Founded Date 5 February 2024
  • Sectors Computer science
  • Posted Jobs 0
  • Viewed 52
  • Type de structure Administration
  • Social reason Inria, équipe MARACAS
  • Adresse de l'entreprise 6 avenue des Artis
  • Code postal 69621
  • Ville Villeurbanne
  • I understand and accept the privacy policy I understand and accept the privacy policy<

Company Description

MARACAS: Models and Algorithms for Reliable Communication Systems

In MARACAS, we develop theory, algorithms, and experimentation for reliable communication systems to support these aims. We contribute to the development of 5G and beyond, as well as emerging applications including vehicular communications, Cyber Physical systems, and molecular communications. We draw on tools from information theory, statistical signal processing and machine learning. We also host the FIT/CorteXlab testbed.

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