PhD Job Day

About Michael Adebayo

  • You are Doctor
  • Year passelectionner
  • Master’s year passelectionner
  • Current establishment (if doctoral student) passelectionner
  • Current institution Master (you are a master) passelectionner
  • establishment in which I obtained the doctorate Other
  • If other establishment, specify Aix-Marseille University
  • Doctoral school Other
  • If other doctoral school, specify Environmental Science
  • Laboratory CEREGE
  • Discipline Environment
  • Your professional project

    Eager to join an organization that carries out GHG emissions audits, carbon integration and compensation projects, and/or assesses the ESG impacts of companies. I am looking for product research or environmental analyst positions.

  • Year of obtaining the doctorate 2023
  • Employed Non
  • Personal address 24, Rue du Général Leclerc
  • Code postal 59120
  • Ville Loos
  • I understand and accept the privacy policy I understand and accept the privacy policy
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