PhD Job Day

About Axelle Vouillon

  • You are Doctor
  • Year 1first year
  • Master’s year 1first year
  • Current establishment (if doctoral student) University of Lille
  • Current institution Master (you are a master) University of Lille
  • establishment in which I obtained the doctorate Other
  • If other establishment, specify Université de Potiers
  • Doctoral school Other
  • If other doctoral school, specify ED Rosalind Franklin
  • Laboratory LITEC
  • Discipline Biology/health
  • Your professional project

    Titulaire d’un doctorat en virologie, biologie cutanée et immunologie, je voudrais mettre à contribution mes compétences scientifiques auprès d’une entreprise innovante en tant d’ingénieur de recherche ou chef de projet en R&D.

  • Year of obtaining the doctorate 2023
  • Employed Non
  • Personal address 5 rue René Cassin
  • Code postal 37540
  • Ville Saint Cyr sur Loire
  • Country France
  • Date of birth (format JJ/MM/AAAA) 25/02/1997
  • I understand and accept the privacy policy I understand and accept the privacy policy
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