The Doctoral College of the University of Lille, created in 2010, leads and coordinates the 8 Regional thematic doctoral schools. It brings together approximately 2700 PhD students∙ from the University of Lille, Central Little Institute, IMT Nord Europe, the Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University and’ Gustave Eiffel University. Its main objectives are : offer excellent training and quality supervision for doctoral students∙,, strengthen interdisciplinarity and internationalization, prepare doctoral students∙in their career pursuit by amplifying the links between the academic and socio-economic worlds, promote the doctorate.
It organizes several events to highlight the skills of doctoral students.∙, – doctors ∙and increase their professional network.
The Graduate Programs offer Master and Doctorate students immersion in a high-level research environment, allowing you to acquire key skills to meet the interdisciplinary challenges of several thematic areas :
– Precision Health
– Science for a Changing Planet
– Information and Knowledge Society
– Changing Cultures, Societies and Practices.
The Graduate Programs allow students to integrate training dedicated to research around these major scientific and societal themes., in a stimulating international context, competitive and innovative.
Through this living room, the Graduate Programs wish to raise awareness among Masters students about the thesis process and its opportunities.
For more information, you can go to the website dedicated to Graduate Programs :