PhD Job Day

À propos Xuehao Hu

  • Vous êtes Docteur·e
  • Année 1ère année
  • Année de Master 1ère année
  • Etablissement actuel (si doctorant) Université de Lille
  • Etablissement actuel Master (si master) Université de Lille
  • établissement dans lequel j’ai obtenu le doctorat Autre
  • Si autre établissement, précisez University of Mons
  • Ecole doctorale
  • Discipline Génie civil
  • En emploi Oui, précisez
  • Précisez votre emploi Postdoc
  • Adresse personnelle Rue à Charrettes 62
  • Code postal 7390
  • Ville Quaregnon
  • Pays Belgium
  • Date de naissance (format JJ/MM/AAAA) 08/12/1981
  • Je comprends et accepte la politique de confidentialité Je comprends et accepte la politique de confidentialité


  • 2022 - Present
    University of Mons

    Postdoctoral researcher

    I worked on a project: Flexible multifunctional wearable all-polymer optical film sensors for biomedical applications.

    The main objective of this project is to study and develop multifunctional wearable all-polymer optical film sensors with stretchable, flexible and attachable properties on the skin surface, which play an important role in the development of next generation healthcare devices. The sensors will be designed to detect various human physiological signs, humidity, body function, potential of hydrogen, sodium chloride concentration and skin tissue refractive index.

    Additionally, his research interest focuses on fiber Bragg gratings, tilted fiber Bragg gratings, polymer optical fiber sensors, specialty fiber sensors, surface Plasmon resonance, and biosensors.

  • 2019 - 2022
    Shantou University

    Associate professor

    I taught physics and supervised master student on fiber optics.

  • 2018 - 2019
    Chongqing Century Opticomm CO. LTD.

    R&D director

    I worked on polymer optical fiber development.

  • 2017 - 2017
    University of Mons

    Postdoc researcher

    I worked on polymer optical fiber sensors.

  • 2012 - 2017
    University of Mons

    PhD student

    I worked on polymer optical fiber sensors.

  • 2008 - 2011
    11th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation

    Laser engineer

    I worked on solid state lasers.


fiber optics
fiber sensors
optical sensors




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