PhD Job Day

À propos Nasrin Shokouhfar

  • Vous êtes Docteur·e
  • Année 1ère année
  • Année de Master 1ère année
  • Etablissement actuel (si doctorant) Université de Lille
  • Etablissement actuel Master (si master) Université de Lille
  • établissement dans lequel j’ai obtenu le doctorat Université de Lille
  • Si autre établissement, précisez Cotutelle avec Tarbiat modares university, iran
  • Ecole doctorale ENGSYS
  • Laboratoire Institut d'Electronique, de Microelectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN), UMR CNRS8520
  • Discipline Chimie
  • Autre discipline, si thèse pluridisciplinaire Inorganic Chemistry and micro-nanosystems
  • Année d’obtention du doctorat 2023
  • En emploi Non
  • Précisez votre emploi scientific researcher
  • Adresse personnelle AV Paul Langevin,
  • Code postal 59650
  • Ville Villeneuve D'ASCQ
  • Pays France
  • Date de naissance (format JJ/MM/AAAA) 03/04/1992
  • Je comprends et accepte la politique de confidentialité Je comprends et accepte la politique de confidentialité


  • 2017 - 2024
    University of Lille, France and Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

    Joint Doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry and Micro-nano systems and sensors

    December 2023 Joint Doctorate | Micro-nano systems and sensors University of Lille, Lille, France March 2020- Dec. 2023 Photo and Piezocatalytic reduction of N2 and CO2 coupling Supervisors: Prof. Ali Morsali, Dr. Rabah Boukheroub December 2023 Joint Doctorate | Inorganic Chemistry Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran Sep. 2017- Dec. 2023 Synthesis of Zr-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (Zr-MOFs) to adsorb and remove the aqueous pollutants Supervisors: Prof. Ali Morsali, Dr. Rabah Boukheroub Overall GPA: 17.29 (out of 20)

  • 2014 - 2017
    Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

    Master of Science in the field of Inorganic Chemistry

    Synthesis and characterization of magnetic porous metal-organic frameworks and investigation of drugs loading on them Supervisor: Prof. Ali Morsali, Advisor: Dr. Mehdi Khoobi Overall GPA: 17.58 (out of 20)

  • 2010 - 2014
    Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran

    Bachelor of Science | Applied Chemistry

    Nanocatalyst synthesis Supervisor: Prof. Hassan Hadadzadeh Overall GPA: 17.24 out of 20


  • 2021 - 2023
    Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN)


    I was a doctoral student working on projects in Iran and France. I was working on synthesizing and characterizing Metal-Organic Frameworks (a brunch of designable porous materials) and their composites for environmental remediation and photocatalysis applications.

  • 2015 - 2022
    College of Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

    Student Research Assistant

    Advisor: Prof. Ali Morsali
    • Education assistant of Inorganic chemistry course
    • Teaching and managing an inorganic laboratory

  • 2014 - 2014
    Iran Chemical Industries Investment Company, Isfahan, Iran

    Trainee Quality Control Department

    • Continuous monitoring of the production process
    • Standardization of solutions on an industrial scale
    • Working with chromatography devices and measuring the amount of
    substances in water and oily samples from different parts of the unit


Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)
Porous material
Drug delivery



Honors & awards


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