PhD Job Day

À propos Hanane KTEICH

  • Vous êtes Doctorant·e
  • Année 3ème année
  • Année de Master 1ère année
  • Etablissement actuel (si doctorant) UArtois
  • Etablissement actuel Master (si master) Université de Lille
  • établissement dans lequel j’ai obtenu le doctorat Université de Lille
  • Ecole doctorale ED A2U STS
  • Laboratoire CRIL
  • Discipline Informatique
  • Adresse personnelle 20 bis rue jean souvraz
  • Code postal 62300
  • Ville Lens
  • Pays France
  • Date de naissance (format JJ/MM/AAAA) 27/07/1998
  • Je comprends et accepte la politique de confidentialité Je comprends et accepte la politique de confidentialité

À propos de moi


  • 2021 - Present
    Université d'Artois

    PhD université d'Artois - Labo du CRIL

    I am a Ph.D. student at the Université d'Artois, affiliated with the CRIL-CNRS laboratory in Lens, France. My research focuses on developing and utilizing large language models to retrieve common sense knowledge from textual data. My first contribution in this field is the paper titled Distilling Semantic Concept Embeddings from Contrastively Fine-Tuned Language Models, co-authored with Na Li, Zied Bouraoui, and Steven Schockaert. This paper is presented at the SIGIR'23 conference, showcasing of the application of language models for semantic concept extraction. I aim to advance the understanding and retrieval of common sense knowledge through innovative approaches in the field of natural language processing. Currently I am working on enhancing performance of pretrained language models in the task of medical documents classifications, medical entities extraction, medical documents representation, etc.




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